Modern Slavery Policy - Groove Technology


This policy applies to all employees and sub-contractors of Groove Technology Limited


Groove Technology Limited is committed to providing a safe work environment that aims for equality of opportunity for all and where the dignity of every individual is respected.

Groove Technology Limited conducts business in a responsible manner and with integrity and considers all ways that we may adversely or favourably impact human rights through our operations and supply chains. As suppliers of Australian companies, we are aware of our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018, which aims to combat modern slavery in global supply chains.

Groove Technology Limited understands businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights in their operations and supply chains. This responsibility includes taking action to prevent, mitigate and where appropriate, remedy modern slavery in operations and supply chains.

Groove Technology provides a safe and equitable workplace, where:

  • Workers are free to refuse or cease work.
  • Workers are paid fairly (at least market rates).
  • Overtime is limited.
  • Workplaces are safe.
  • All conditions and benefits are compliant with and subject to audit by the relevant labour departments.

Related Legislation And References

  • Modern Slavery Act 2018

Matthew Long

Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore