Online Grocery, E-commerce For An London-based Company Providing A Full Range Organic Skincare Products

Voiced by Amazon Polly


The customer, an London-based company providing a full range organic skincare products.


The cosmetic industry is a highly competitive market since there are big household brand competitors in the market. Furthermore, most customers prefer to shop for cosmetics in store rather than buy cosmetics online.


React Native, Shopify, Node.JS, MongoDB


Groove Technology - Case Studies

Search and filter tool

Search or filter items by name or price range.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Skin tone matching

A tool to match the most appropriate product to your skin tone using the mobile devices front facing camera.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Push Notifications

Notifications about new products, their availability, order status, special deals, and so on are sent automatically via push notifications.

Groove Technology - Case Studies


Items added, removed and quantities updated in the basket.

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Customers can checkout using Stripe & PayPal and save their payment details for future purchases.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Rating and reviews

Users may rate and review products that they have previously purchased.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Q&A section

Users can ask the company and other customers questions regarding the products.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Online support

The admin can help buyers with enquiries when using the app.

Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore