E-commerce mobile application development for a bedding brand

Voiced by Amazon Polly


Our customer is a Vietnamese bedding brand providing bedding products with the concept of minimalism.


The brand realized that most of their customers preferred shopping on mobile applications and a mobile app would enable them to deliver promotion campaigns more easily. Because of the minimalism concept, the customer asked Groove Technology to build a mobile app with simple, neat & clean design. They also wanted to have a feature that buyers could see how the bedding products would match their bedrooms.


React Native, Shopify, Node.JS, MongoDB


Product showcase

When building the mobile app, Groove Technology pay much attention to user interface with responsive design for the best customer experience. Product information table includes fabric material, color, … With each bedding product, there is a variety of size options (for example, customers will choose their bed sheets based on the length, width and height of their bed). The feature zoom-in and zoom-out allow users to have a closer look at the product patterns through pictures. There are also washing tips to keep the fabric at the best quality.

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Push notifications

Notifications about new products, their availability, order status, special deals, and so on are sent automatically via push notifications.

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Bedroom matching

A tool to match the most appropriate product to your bedroom using the mobile camera.

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Online support

The admin can help buyers with enquiries when using the app.

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Search and filter tool

Search or filter items by categories (pillows, bed sheets, blankets…) or price range.

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Linking to social media

Customers can find the brand on several social media platforms such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, …

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Customers can share product information via SMS or social media.

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Login and registration

Easy, fast and several login/registration options. Login by social media is also available.

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Related products

Smart algorithms to suggest products related to the current product.

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Items added, removed and quantities updated in the cart.

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Customers can checkout using Stripe & PayPal and save their payment details for future purchases.

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Order tracking

Customers can track the delivery status of their orders.

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Rating and reviews

Users may rate and review products that they have previously purchased.

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FAQ section

Users can find the answers for frequently asked questions regarding of the products or other policies.

Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore