Booking App Solution For Salon/spa

Voiced by Amazon Polly


Our customer is a beauty salon in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam with the main services of hair & nail care.


Because the salon was planning to expand its branches, a booking app was necessary to easily control the daily number of customers. The salon asked Groove Technology to create an easy-to-use booking app with black and white as their main theme colors.


React Native, Node.JS, MongoDB


Product showcase

The mobile application is optimized in responsive design and enhance online customer experience. Customers can choose the services they want to book in the gallery, which includes a full description and pictures of that service. The salon owner can also show their work and portfolio in this gallery.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Login and registration

Easy, fast and several login/registration options. Login by social media is also available.

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Fast and easy booking system

In the app calendar, customers can find the available time slots and book the one that fits best for them.

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Booking or available calendar

Available or booked time slots are visible to both customers and spa/salon owners. Besides that, spa owners would have access to slot booking details.

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Easy payment system

Customers can pay through the app using a variety of payment gateways that can be integrated.

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Push notifications

Automatically send out a reminder to customers before the appointment. Promotional notifications can be sent by business owners via push notification, SMS, or email.

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Cancellation of a booking is possible for customers via the app. The admin panel allows business owners to create cancellation policies.

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Rating and reviews

It's possible for customers to rate and comment on the services they've had

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FAQ section

Users can find the answers for frequently asked questions regarding of the products or other policies.

Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore