Banking And Personal Finance Management App Development

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Our customer is an international bank with the headquarters in Australia. They have their branch offices in over 50 countries in the world.


The bank already had their app for online banking services. However, the app design was not responsive enough to offer the best user experience. The bank asked Groove Technology to redesign and optimize it.


React Native, Node.JS, MongoDB


Groove Technology - Case Studies

Login and registration

Easy, fast and several login/registration options. Login by social media is also available.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Account management

The user can update their information easily on the application.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Personal transaction tracking

The user can see the details of their transaction history to manage their financial resources.

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Push notifications

Promotional notifications can be sent by business owners via push notification, SMS, or email.

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Third-party integration

Connect user’s bank account to make their payment on other applications and platforms.

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Rating and reviews

It's possible for customers to rate and comment on the services they've had

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FAQ section

Users can find the answers for frequently asked questions regarding of the products or other policies.

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Online support

Users can call the hotline to get the support in emergency cases.

Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore