Introducing Props in React Native A Comprehensive Guide
Jan 02

React Native has become one of the most popular frameworks for building dynamic and powerful mobile applications. With its ability to create native-like user interfaces and its efficient code reusability, it has gained a strong following among developers. One of the key features that make React Native so versatile and flexible is the use of […]

11 min read
Maximizing Reactjs Performance Tools, Techniques, and Best Practices
12 Dec

Reactjs has emerged as a frontrunner among JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces (UIs) due to its component-based architecture, declarative programming paradigm, and virtual DOM. While Reactjs offers a robust framework for creating responsive and dynamic web applications, optimizing its performance is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve […]

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E-commerce For Electric Household Appliances Supplier

Customer Our customer is a supplier of electric household appliances from Australia. Their purpose is to create products that are space-saving, mainly for small apartments.  Challenge The customer already had their online store, but it had not worked effectively and was underdeveloped. They wanted to move their store to Shopify platform to attract more people. Since they were a startup, they needed someone who was both reasonable and highly skilled to support them in conducting this project.  […]

< 1 min read
E-commerce For Flower Gift Box Service

Customer Our customer is a flower shop in Vietnam, and they are going to release their new service of customizable flower gift boxes.  Challenge The customer commissioned Groove Technology to build an e-commerce platform where people can choose the items they want (flower type, additional accessories, letters, …) and design their own flower gift box. The tools needed to be easy-to-use for the best experience.   Technologies Shopify, Node.JS, MongoDB 

< 1 min read
E-commerce For Furniture Company

Customer Our customer is a furniture company based in London. Their design is Western styled with premium quality. Challenge The customer came to Groove Technology with the site that did not fully reflect their brand features. They required a team of developers and designers who can set up their online store with the theme of high-end, luxury products. Technologies BigCommerce, Node.JS, MongoDB 

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Top 4 Mobile App Development Frameworks In 2021

Choosing the right mobile app development framework and application development strategy is one of the most important steps in the mobile application development process.  A process which is becoming increasingly more complicated due to the sheer volume of approaches and mobile development frameworks available these days. Whether you are an experienced developer, an established business […]

5 min read
Learning Management For A Global Logistics Company

Customer Our customer is a global logistics company. Challenge The customer asked Groove to design and develop a learning management system in order to train their customers how to use their booking system. It was crucial to create an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand experience that was intuitive to a range of different types of users with […]

< 1 min read
Job Portal For A Hiring Agency Based In Australia

Customer Our customer is a hiring agency based in Australia who provide a recruitment platform for both employers and job seekers to match appropriate jobs based on the candidate’s skillset. Challenge The customer already had a SAAS web platform in the market and they commissioned Groove to build a complimentary mobile app for further reach […]

< 1 min read
Groove Technology Outsourcing Simplified
Groove Technology Outsourcing Simplified
Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore