Dedicated team services for a real estate software company

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Our customer is an Australia-based software company providing technology solution for real estate agents. Their main product is a CRM solution tailored to the real estate industry.


As our customer’s business is expanding more greatly, there are more partners asking them to upgrade their application’s features. In addition, they had to migrate many of their current user database of real estate companies into the new platform.



Groove Technology - Case Studies

Our project team

The customer required a full project team, which included back-end developers, front-end developers, a UX designer and a project manager.

Groove Technology - Case Studies

Dedicated team services for a real estate software company

In comparison to the previous CRM, the updated version is entirely web-based and accessible from any device. It's compatible with both Android and iOS devices, allowing real estate agents to save money and time while maintaining full control of their business from any location.

Groove Technology - Case Studies
Groove Technology - Software Company in Australia - Viet Nam - Singapore